Monday, August 22, 2011

Praising Kids for Disobeying Orders?

Give a child the best birthday present ever . . . the ability to live to celebrate yet another birthday. Click here to register as a bone marrow donor.

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(From three years ago . . .)

I've told David a million times not to try to climb the kitchen garbage can as it can easily topple over. And yet again yesterday I once again caught him trying to climb it. This time, however, he succeeded. I watched as he stood on top, carefully balanced himself, extended himself on his tippy toes and reached up to claim his prize in the cabinet high above.

I was angry that David disobeyed my orders and was scared that he put himself at risk in this manner. Yet I also got nachas watching him tap into unknown physical prowess and at the same time exhibit that he could overcome his fear of daunting tasks. I wasn't sure how to react. A long time ago I read about a German military decoration awarded to soldiers for actions committed while disobeying orders. Now it made complete sense to me.

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